Bones Know Best
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Same leg bone, but not the same shape.
I spent the better part of this weekend at an Anatomy and the Joints workshop instructed by Paul Grilley, a well known anatomy expert in the yoga world. Although some people find this a dry subject I'm a bit of an anatomy nerd. Learning about bones and muscles was one of the things I looked forward to the most when I took my teacher training last year. This weekend the lecture explored the uniqueness of bone structure and how it effects an individual’s range of motion. It’s a mystery to a student of yoga (that would be me) as to why one posture is so easy and the next is torture. To put it in a nutshell your bones have the final say in how far you will go in a pose. Sometimes you just have to accept that Gumby beside you in yoga class is a freak and it’s time to get on with your own damn practice.
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